At 6th Willowdale, Scouting is focussed on outdoors adventure with camping trips scheduled almost every other month.
  Regular Scouts Meeting is on Monday Night from
7pm - 8:30 pm at Holiwood Public School.
A typical night would include 7pm to 8:00pm
Group discussions, demonstrations
Leadership and skills activities.
Badge work.
Planning for camps and activities
Closing. 8pm -8:30pm
Indoor Game (in Gym) or outdoor activity (weather dependant).

A typical camp We meet at Hollywood Public School at around
6:30pm on Friday night once everyone has arrived we head up to camp. At camp we set up our tents and our equipment we have a quick
snack then we play a game until it is time to go to bed. In the morning we make our breakfast and clean up then work on scouting skills and badges throughout the day with a mixture of games and other events. Around 6pm we have supper and then we play a night game or have a camp fire
before going to bed. On Sunday we pack up our personal gear and then we clean up the rest of the site. At around 10:30 am we have a scout
zone where we illustrate what we are thankful for. Then we work on some more skills before going back home.

  Scout Law
A Scout is:
Helpful and trustworthy,
Kind and cheerful,
Considerate and clean,
Wise in the use of all resources
Scout Promise
On my honor
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen,
To help other people at all time,
And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.
Scouts Canada Home Page Holiwood Public School